I've had many experiences with my dogs that have kept me thinking if they are actually smarter than I think they are. So, are dogs smart? Well, dogs have a sense of direction and discipline, they know how to sit, fetch, bark whenever they need something (their way of communication), and so forth.
Just like toddlers, puppies need to be taught certain things, like sitting and fetching, in order for them to learn discipline. I'm not trying to say that toddlers have to learn how to sit and fetch, but that both humans and dogs start learning developing their intelligence at a very young age. Dogs are smart creatures, and many studies have proven their intelligence.
Lucky, my three year old Pomeranian, was only two months when we first got him. He loved running around the house, especially peeing around the house and then hiding under the bed because he knew he was going to get in trouble. It took about three months to get Lucky to understand that it was wrong to pee in the house. It took time to teach him to wait until we took him out for walks in order to pee, everything else started to fall into place. He began to start understanding more about the rules around the house as the months passed by, and it showed us that he's intelligent. The same went with Bella, where she had to be taught to wait to be walked and pee outside the house.
Dogs are able to learn, therefore, they are smart, but probably not as smart as humans. They are able to understand humans and have the ability to learn new things. So remember, Dogs are able to be discipline and learn new tricks and/or demands, you just have to show them some love and care.
By virtue of the fact that my project / site deals exclusively with dogs, I automatically like your page.
I do think some dogs are smarter than humans, and usually dumb dogs are reflective of their owners.
Dogs are instinctually some of the smartest animals alive. On top of their instinctual tendencies, they have such a huge capacity to learn parameters set to fit the needs of their humans. What other animal can be used to service the policem, the blind, the elderly, or the crippled? Cats and monkeys do not make the cut.
I'm looking forward to some more good reads.
-Brandon G.
I think a question like this begs a much more profound question: What is intelligence? Even further down: Is human intelligence the "best" possible? I think our own human chauvinism clouds our reasoning when dealing with other intelligent beings. Dogs are certainly smart, they are programmed to be by their DNA and their owner's behavioral conditioning.
That being said, I've seen dogs that are much more intelligent on a relative level than some humans. I have also seen the opposite. You definitely cannot belittle a dog's ability to learn and solve problems.
It reminds me of an episode of one of my favorite TV shows, Trailer Park Boys. The episode is titled: I've Met Cats and Dogs Smarter Than Trevor and Cory.
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